Messages from the URAA Board of Directors
March 2025: Meet More Members
Hello from the URAA Board! This month, we’d like to introduce three more of our members:
Suni Vaidya graduated in 1995 and lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area, where she is a Client Partner at Salesforce. She’s volunteered as an alumna in various capacities for almost 30 years.
Jerry Williams graduated in 1970 and formerly worked at the Richmond Federal Reserve. Very few weeks go by that you won’t find Jerry somewhere on campus, either as a volunteer or cheering on a Spider sports team! He formerly chaired the Outreach Council of the URAA and still serves on the Business Committee of the Board of Trustees.
Antoine Wall graduated in 2013 and is an Assistant Principal in New Orleans. His favorite memory of his time at UR was when he visited the U.S. Supreme Court and interviewed a justice. -
February 2025: Spider Palentine’s
Submitted by: Suezy Keller, ’06
This February, join me, the URAA Board, and the Spider alumni community in celebrating…Spider Palentine’s! I invite you to celebrate all kinds of love – romantic, friendly, you name it! – all month long and beyond with your fellow Spiders.
Do you have that one Spider friend who just gets you? Who finishes your sentences? Who knows all of your flaws and loves you just the same? Maybe there’s someone you want to reconnect with? Or a new friend waiting for you at the next Alumni Event?
Take a moment to share the Spider Love. Dig out those photos, share a laugh, and make new memories with your Spider Pals. Click here for all the ways to connect this Palentine’s Day. -
January 2025: Happy New Year
Happy New Year from the URAA Board of Directors! We hope that everyone in the Spider community had a relaxing year-end and enjoyed the holidays with friends and family (ideally, including a few Spiders!).
Our alumni give back to the university in countless ways, and we want to highlight a timely need. Many companies are resuming or kicking off hiring efforts beginning in January, or even thinking about filling summer internships. If you have an opening on your team or at your company…
-Post it in the University of Richmond Career Connections (LinkedIn group).
-Reach out to Career Services.
-Consider on-campus recruiting.
-Search for Spiders in your network in your sector who might be a fit.
Hire Spiders in 2025! -
December 2024: Happy Holidays and Member Highlights
Happy holidays to the alumni community from the URAA! This month, we’d like to introduce two of our URAA Board Members:
Anthony (AJ) Polcari graduated in 2021 and currently lives in Washington, DC working as a strategy consultant. He is looking forward to being a voice for our alumni community and keeping them informed of campus happenings. You may recognize him as the media personality “Tony P” on Instagram and TikTok!
Lori O’Toole graduated in 1984 and is based in Ashland, Virginia. Her favorite UR memory is from the 1984 NCAA tournament victory where our Men’s basketball team upset the No. 2 seeded Auburn led by Charles Barkley. She is an active alum in the Richmond area, looking to promote and strengthen our alumni community! -
November 2024: Thanksgiving Reflections
By: Ed Pruden, R’72, G’74, P’00, P’23
During this season of Thanksgiving, I would like to share several enduring qualities of the University of Richmond experience that have spanned generations. I first learned these from my dad, Class of 1925. They were reinforced by my own experiences, RC 1972, and affirmed by my son, Class of 2000. As a member of the URAA Board, I have heard them articulated with remarkable consistency by Spiders of every generation!
- Integrity and core values are modeled and nurtured at UR.
- Relationships between professors and students often develop into friendships that promote mentoring and encouragement into the future.
- Spiders are extremely proud of the university’s growing academic reputation, enhanced campus facilities, athletic successes, and growing national presence and stature!
- UR has always been an incredibly beautiful campus and feels like home over a lifetime!
Spider alums have much enduring value to celebrate, share, and be thankful for! -
October 2024: Coming Home
By: Suni Aras Vaidya, ’95
Homecoming is, well, coming home.
This year, I will co-chair my 30th reunion. The passage of time, evident through wrinkles and gray hairs, simply astounds me. I vividly recall the homecoming tailgates off campus (where our football stadium resided) as if they were yesterday. With gravel crunching beneath our feet, we sipped beverages in our best sundresses and hats!
We loudly cheered for our Spiders and then made our way to downtown watering holes. It was, after all, the 90s.
My heart still swells with feelings of jubilance recollecting warm autumn days with new and old friends, these three decades later.
Homecoming. We get to come to a place that will always be home. -
September 2024: Meet the Members
Best wishes to the alumni community from the URAA! This month, we’d like to introduce two more of our URAA Board Members:
Ellen Bradley graduated from Westhampton College in 1991 and is a communications and marketing consultant specializing in higher education–expertise she began building early in her career while working for seven years at UR. Her favorite UR memory is exploring the tunnels under Richmond College. On the URAA Board, her goal is to provide many diverse, accessible, and fun opportunities for alumni to stay connected to UR.
Braxton Bragg graduated in 2006 and works as a product leader in the technology sector. At UR, he served as RCSGA President and later went on to leadership roles in the Young Grads and UR alumni chapter in Washington, D.C. He is currently VP of Outreach on the URAA and lives just outside New York City with his wife, two daughters, and two dogs. -
August 2024: Staying Connected
By: Suezy Keller, ’06
August brings the excitement of a new academic year on campus! While it’s back to school for students, faculty, and staff, alums far and wide can also celebrate the feeling of coming back together. Because even after graduation, do we ever truly leave?
There are so many ways to stay connected to the Spider Community. From virtual programming to alumni events in your new (or longtime) city, it’s easy to feel as though you never left campus.
And especially this time of year, as we host our Welcome to the City series for young grads in our five largest cities and offer so many opportunities for alumni to connect. Check out the alumni calendar of events or reach out to find out more about local volunteer opportunities. On behalf of the URAA, we can’t wait to see you! -
July 2024: URAA Outstanding Senior Awards 2024
As the spring semester came to a close, the URAA enjoyed recognizing a few outstanding students during undergraduate honors convocations. The URAA established outstanding senior awards for the School of Arts and Sciences, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, and Robins School of Business. In simple terms, the awards were given to seniors who contributed community service to the University and broader community as well as academic success. Nominees for the awards are made by administrators and faculty of the respective undergraduate schools.
Recipients for 2024 included the following:
-School of Arts and Sciences, Lesley Boadu from Accra, Ghana
-School of Arts and Sciences, Kathleen Firment from RVA area
-Jepson School of Leadership Studies, Cameron Peterson from RVA area
-Robins School of Business, Foster Lyman from RVA area
Each of the above recipients demonstrated numerous accomplishments, and we are thrilled to welcome them to the alumni association. Congratulations to all graduating seniors, and welcome to the URAA. We are proud of you! -
June 2024: Highlighting URAA Board Members
This month, we’d like to highlight some of our amazing URAA Board members:
Marilyn Branch-Mitchell graduated in 1978 and lives in Chesterfield, VA. Professionally, she is a human resources director. She was married in the chapel on campus! As a former Girl Scout, she has also led a Troop and raised her daughter as a Scout. About the URAA Board, she says: “If you’re asked to join the URAA Board, jump at the opportunity. Reach out and stay in touch with UR friends and attend UR events and make new UR friends. Don’t be afraid to get involved.”
Alex Holva graduated in 2015 and currently lives in Philadelphia, PA. He is an Executive Compensation Associate at Capital One. One of his favorite aspects of the URAA Board is its role as a conduit for conversation between Alumni and the university, particularly during tough conversations that our community has navigated in recent years. His favorite UR moment was experiencing the energy at the Robins Center during a comeback win in overtime over VCU.
May 2024: Graduation and Life after UR
By: Suezy Keller, ’06
The month of May always reminds me of Graduation, filled with pride of accomplishment and anxious excitement for life after UR. As I look back now, several years later, the phrase "life after UR" is a funny one…although my time as a student ended in May of 2006, UR has continued to influence me long after I graduated.
Spiders welcomed me to my first job and were my professional role models. My continued relationship with the Jepson School of Leadership Studies has provided community and support in this increasingly complicated group project called “life.” And, this time each year, I plan to celebrate Reunion Weekend at the place that I left, but that never really left me.
Join me in celebrating at Reunion Weekend 2024. Be sure to register in advance and follow along on social media for more fun updates. See you there!
April 2024: URAA Recognizes Retiring UR Administrators
The URAA Board would like to recognize two wonderful administrators as they retire from the University this year.
Dr. Steve Bisese, Vice President, Student Development
A guiding force for 29 years at the University of Richmond, Steve enriched countless lives. His leadership fostered student well-being, reshaped residential experiences, and promoted belonging. He championed holistic student development, leaving a profound legacy of compassion and unwavering support for Richmond students.
Denise Dwight Smith, Assistant Vice President, Alumni & Career Services
Under Denise’s guidance, Career Services gained national recognition and became a beacon of excellence. She greatly expanded career programming across all disciplines, engaging alumni strategically, and ensured comprehensive support for students while creating career connections.
Interested in learning more about their areas of work? Check out these pages: Student Development, Career Services, and Alumni Engagement.
March 2024: Highlighting URAA Board Members
This month, we’d like to highlight some of our amazing URAA Board of Director members:
Elsa Falls graduated from Westhampton College in 1964. She was the first person in her family to graduate from college and ultimately flourished in her career as a professor of Biology at Randolph-Macon College. Her favorite UR memory is the “Lantern Parade.”
Kate Connelly graduated in 2010 and currently lives in Delmar, NY, where she works in clinical research administration. She was excited to join the URAA Board of Directors for the opportunity to learn more about how to become a better steward of the University.
Will Michalopoulos graduated in 1985 and lives in Great Neck, NY. He knew that UR was the place for him after the first time he saw the campus! Will chairs the URAA of Board of Directors’ Membership Council. After retiring from a career in publishing, he now works as a mixologist. Each year, he creates a holiday music mix (formerly a CD, now a Spotify playlist) that has raised over $180K for the fight against cancer. -
February 2024: UR’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
By: Zuri Walker, ’97
When I showed up on campus as a freshman in 1993, it was clear that while progress had been made, there was still plenty of room to grow in making diverse populations of students feel welcome and included.
Fast-forward 30 years, I found myself walking through the Commons blown away by the myriad of ways that Richmond has evolved to embrace a full commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. There are so many amazing initiatives in place and more in development. Read more here.
Richmond has worked tirelessly to create an environment that embraces the richness of all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives for the entire community. We’ve definitely come a long way, and we acknowledge that there is more to be done. The URAA Board of Directors is dedicated to continuing to evolve, ensuring that every alum feels seen, heard, and a part of this vibrant and growing community. Together, we can shape our legacy and future. -
January 2024: HOPE. LOVE. JOY. PEACE.
The University of Richmond Alumni Association Board of Directors wish all Spiders happy holidays and a great New Year! HOPE. LOVE. JOY. PEACE.
December 2023: Highlighting New URAA Board Members
This month, we’d like to highlight two more impressive URAA Board members:
Ashleigh Brock (new member) graduated in 2005 and currently serves as Chief of Staff at Wake Forest University. Her URAA service represents a new chapter in her relationship with UR after working for the university for nearly 10 years. Her favorite UR memories are winning the women’s intramural championship with her sorority and watching graduation fireworks over Westhampton Lake.
Zuri Walker (new member) graduated in 1997 and currently lives in San Francisco, CA where she is an executive and transformational coach. She is a pickleball addict and plays almost every day. Zuri is ideally suited for the URAA Alumni Outreach Council given her passion for supporting alumni by “any means possible,” connecting current students to alumni, and to further reach and support UR alumni of color!
Wishing Spider Alumni happy and healthy holidays from your URAA Board! -
November 2023: In Memory of John F. Benton
In Memory of John F. Benton
October 24, 1950 - September 19, 2023
Executive, Smithsonian Institution
University of Richmond, 1973
URAA Board of Directors, 2023 -
October 2023: Meet the URAA President
Ed Pruden is the new president of the University of Richmond Alumni Association. He was born and raised in Washington, D.C., graduated from UR in 1972, and received a graduate degree in 1974. He later received his EDD from the College of William and Mary in 1983. Prior to his retirement, his career in education included being a teacher, principal, and superintendent. Ed is also a Spider parent with a son who graduated in 2000 and a daughter who received a graduate degree in 2023.
He served as an officer and director since joining the URAA Board of Directors in 2018. Additionally, Ed has served as a URAA Board representative on committees of the University Board of Trustees. He represents alumni at events such as graduation, welcoming the freshman class and welcoming parents and freshman at the Generational Lunch. Ed attends many Richmond-area alumni events and can be found on campus volunteering in any way he is needed.
Ed is an avid Richmond Spiders’ sports fan with highlights being the 2008 National Football Championship and all Spider basketball NCAA victories. As a fun fact, Ed has shaken hands with four US Presidents, and he loves to read the daily morning Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Ed would like all Spider alums to spread the word about the University’s generous use of scholarships, grants, loans and work-study to make UR affordable for any student who is admitted. It is estimated that 69% of UR students receive all types of aid. We look forward to Ed’s continued leadership as we aim to make a positive impact on Spiders everywhere! -
September 2023: Reuniting and Reconnecting
By: Sally Wood, W’69, G’71, L’80
During the pandemic, a group from my Westhampton Class of 1969 began getting together via Zoom. The virtual gatherings reached women from all over, including Florida, New England, and even Scotland. The time difference is a challenge, but that hasn’t kept us from getting together.
What started as a smaller group has grown to include more folks from the class, and we have found the time to be a special way to catch up with one another. We’ve discussed topics ranging from retirement and retirement living to vacations and family. Other favorite topics have included memorable professors, quirky North Court, friendships, and Westhampton pride.
It’s clear UR connections run deep, so I encourage you to reach out to classmates and get together, either virtually or in person (hint: Reunion Weekend 2024 is May 31-June 2). You can always utilize UR Online to find contact information and keep your Spider connections strong! -
August 2023: Member Spotlights
This month, we’d like to highlight some of our amazing URAA Board members:
Sally Yates Wood graduated from Westhampton College in 1969, earned her Master’s in 1971 and a J.D. in 1980. About her service on the URAA Board, she says: “[UR] is clearly one of the best small universities in America...I am one proud alumna and like to share information that makes me so proud.”
Shelly Francis graduated in 1995 and lives in Atlanta, GA, where she works as an entrepreneur disrupting transportation. She most enjoys serving on the URAA Board for “the interaction and learning from different generations of UR alum” and the opportunity to “connect with alums who I might not ever get a chance to meet otherwise.”
John Benton (new member!) graduated in 1973 and lives in Arlington, VA. He is the former Deputy Under Secretary for Finance and Administration of the Smithsonian Institution. “I think engagement in the University’s accomplishments, strategic plans, and long-term goals going forward and how alumni can help in this work is vitally important…to ensure the University’s continuing success.” -
July 2023: Why the Alumni Web Matters
By: Suni Vaidya, ’95
During my sophomore year at UR, Holly Payne, ’94, a future author, referred me to a job at the UR Communications office. That internship led to an-off campus one, which resulted in a full-time job after graduation in 1995, which eventually relocated me to Washington, DC in 1997.
Knowing I was looking for a new challenge, my friend C.A.M. Wagner, ’94 connected me to "a new tech start-up called Blackboard.” C.A.M., and my friend Jason Crum, ’92, who later helped me pivot to consulting, are why I have a fulfilling career in tech. Over the last 20 years, I’ve hired, referred and networked with countless Spiders.
The web matters. Just ask recent graduate, Penny Hu, ’23. We met at a URAA Board meeting and I was delighted to support her job search. Through her hard work and a Spider Alumni connection, she’ll join a prestigious consulting firm. Penny will shine as an alumna, just as she did as a student.
The alumni web matters and can make a lifelong difference.
Attend. Volunteer. Give. Recommend. Hire. Share. -
June 2023: Event Spotlight: NYC Presidential Reception
By: Braxton Bragg, ’06
Hundreds of UR alumni in the New York City metropolitan area and three local members of the URAA Board recently gathered at the New York Athletic Club near Central Park for a regional alumni event welcoming President Kevin Hallock and his wife, Tina. Richmond’s Vice President of Advancement, Martha Callaghan, interviewed President Hallock about the newly released strategic plan, which was approved at the April Board of Trustees Meeting. Attendees were thrilled to learn about plans for a new state-of-the-art learning center that will consolidate and enhance existing resources for students as well as reinforcing the University’s focus on scholarships (especially for middle-income families), top-tier internship and career opportunities for graduating students, premier athletics, and more. All in all, it was a great evening and the URAA is excited for the years ahead!
Check out the 2023-2024 Presidential Reception Schedule Here → -
May 2023: Student Event Spotlight: 2023 Black Excellence Gala
By: Lisa Gray, ’93
The mission and vision of the URAA is to enhance engagement of alumni with the University, its students, and our fellow alumni by encouraging them to be active members of an inclusive and interconnected community of lifelong Spiders who share their time, talent, and resources with other Spiders. The role of the URAA Board of Directors is to educate, to connect, to advocate for this mission and vision. To that end, we attend different UR campus events and amplify the many ways for alumni - future and present - to get involved with the Alumni Association. It was so wonderful for me and fellow Board member, Marilyn Branch-Mitchell, W‘78, to do that by attending the Black Excellence Gala on February 25th.
Sponsored by the Student Center for Equity and Inclusion (SCEI) led by Dr. Morgan Russell-Stokes and founded by Dr. Tinina Cade, this year’s annual Black Excellence Gala, included an award ceremony, a heavy hors d’oeuvres and dessert reception, and DJ dance party featuring music from the 1970s to the present. It showcased the brilliance and beauty of the UR Black student community. During the event, I had the pleasure of connecting and reconnecting with several students, staff, faculty, and fellow alumni. It was a special joy to celebrate all the awardees and share our URAA and Spider pins with graduating seniors and new alumni!
April 2023: What is the URAA Board of Directors?
The URAA Board is a diverse body of alumni with 27 officers and directors (the Association bylaws require a range of 20 - 28 members). URAA Board members reside in localities around the United States. The most recent alum on the URAA Board graduated in 2017, and also earned a UR law degree in 2020, while the oldest member graduated in 1959.
Where might you find a URAA Board member? Look for them speaking at graduation and other events around commencement. Board members also participate in welcoming new students during orientation and introducing alumni at award presentations. There are Board members representing alumni as members of various committees of the University Board of Trustees. You are also likely to see Board members at regional alumni events, Spider athletic events, and Reunion Weekend. -
March 2023: What is the University of Richmond Alumni Association (URAA)?
If you are one of ~ 55,000 alumni, you are part of the URAA. The URAA works to promote and foster a dynamic, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship between the University and its alumni with opportunities for alumni to connect with each other through meaningful programs and activities. We seek to inspire a spirit of excitement in our alma mater and encourage support for the continuation of the University for generations to come. Members of the URAA enjoy a variety of benefits, including access to our online alumni directory career development, continuing education discounts, and a subscription to the Richmond Alumni magazine. There are many events sponsored or co-sponsored by URAA.